Magnus Dahlman är specialiserad på immaterialrätt. Han företräder stora och små klienter i en stor bredd av immaterialrättsliga frågor och hjälper bl.a. till med att identifiera, utveckla, skydda och kommersialisera klienternas immateriella tillgångar. Magnus är en erfaren processförare och har varit aktivt inblandad i ett flertal högprofilerade mål, särskilt inom life sciences och tech patent, men även avseende varumärken, företagshemligheter och upphovsrätter. Magnus hanterar även löpande regulatoriska frågor inom Life sciences och telecom samt ärenden som hänför sig till olika typer av certifieringar.
Magnus har rankats av ett flertal rankinginstitut inom kategorierna Patent Contentious och Intellectual Property och har nyligen också agerat som ombud i det första rättegångsspelet under UPC-reglerna i den Nordisk Baltiska Regionala avdelningen av UPC anordnat av Justitiedepartementet och är nu även auktoriserat UPC-ombud.
Magnus är medförfattare första och andra utgåvorna till Hassellblatt (ed.) ”Community Trade Mark Regulation – English Language Commentary” och Hasselblatt (ed.) ”Community Design Regulation – English language commentary” publicerade av det tyska förlaget C. H. Beck Hart Nomos.
- Databaser
- Design och mönster
- Företagshemligheter
- Immaterialrätt
- Immaterialrättstvister
- Kommersialisering av IPR
- Medie- och marknadsrätt
- Outsourcing av IPR-funktioner
- Patent
- Tvistelösningar och processer
Branschspecifik erfarenhet
- Läkemedel
- Life Sciences
Advokatbyrån Gulliksson
Setterwalls Advokatbyrå
Malmö tingsrätt
Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB
Lunds universitet, Jur. kand.
Master Intellectual Property Rights
EUs Machine Directive and CE-marking
- Advokatsamfundet (2010)
- AIPPI (Medlem i en stående kommittén Q242 Pharma & Biotechnology)

The Legal 500
"Magnus Dahlman and Jens Olsson are both prominent individuals in Swedish patent litigation, and we have worked with both of them. Proven result-getters, their services are wanted by clients across a broad range of industries, domestic as well as internationals."
"I have personally worked most closely with Magnus Dahlman. He has a very appealing and calm personality which makes it easy to work with him, and to trust that he has the required overview of the case. With Magnus’ diverse experience and background, he is well-placed for devising a strategy on both the side of a plaintiff and on the side of a defendant."
"Magnus Dahlman is a highly experienced and knowledgeable litigator with an eminent flair for presenting cases in a thorough and detailed fashion."
Key lawyer
"Magnus Dahlman [...] simply top-tier litigators, with a solid understanding of their clients businesses. The team is very competent and business minded. Straightforward advice is combined with an academic touch."

IAM Patent 1000
Recommended Individual
""In particular, Magnus Dahlman, Therese Grennard and Jens Olsson have a brilliant grasp on complex technical details and can smoothly put them into a legal context.” “Magnus is a solid litigator within the pharmaceuticals field. He is a force to be reckoned with in the courtroom and knows how to set up a team for success.” "
"The outfit’s dream team of “Magnus Dahlman, Therese Grennard and Jens Olsson are well versed in patent law. The trio has a fantastic grasp of complex technology and its application in a legal context.” Department head Dahlman is a partner of choice for start-ups and multinationals from the life science sector to the technology space. Recently he joined forces with Grennard to keep infringers at bay on behalf of Bosch GmbH and Siemens AG. The duo also battled it out on behalf of leading pharmaceuticals player Sandoz in a complex validity and infringement case."
"An absolutely brilliant and phenomenal litigator. His knowledge of regulatory issues brings an added dimension to the practice."
"Outstanding litigator and skilled advocate” Dahlman has both the law and the technology on lock: “He is efficient, responsive and really understands his clients’ business."
"A premier choice for life science briefs and a tough adversary, Magnus has a keen eye for detail and calmly puts forth convincing arguments."
"Dahlman […] is a repository of unshakeable trust for generic drug companies. ’He understands the industry and is an experienced, calm, tactical and convincing litigator."
"The outfit has brought on board life sciences doyen Magnus Dahlman. “Magnus hasn’t been there long”, one peer remarks, “but he has already worked with us in litigation on numerous occasions as well as having been an instrumental adviser to his clients on the commercial aspects of their businesses."
"He presents well, is clear in his arguments, has very sound judgement and shows plenty of enthusiasm for the law."

IP Stars
2016, 2017, 2018

Who’s Who Legal
Sweden - Life Sciences
Sweden - Patents
IP - Patents"
"Magnus Dahlman enjoys a strong reputation in the Swedish market as a key name seen engaged in high-profile technology and life sciences matters. "

Chambers Global
Notable Practitioner
- Gullikssons UPC-team
- Delay of the start of the sunrise period
- Gulliksson söker biträdande jurist med intresse för immaterialrätt till kontoret i Stockholm
- Domare för Unified Patent Court har utsetts
- Preliminärt datum satt för start av den Enhetliga patentdomstolen
- The road ahead for reaching the Unitary Patent
- En ovanlig begäran om förhandsavgörande i patentintrångsmål – kan, eller kan inte, svaranden forumshoppa?
- Unitary Patent – A closer look at the costs after grant
- Opting out – a decision to start considering
- Magnus Dahlman inträder i Advokatbyrån Gullikssons styrelse
- UP and UPC are about to happen (again)
- A new pharmaceutical strategy for Europe