12 September 2016
New President of LES Scandinavia
Per Ericsson was on September 6, 2016 elected as President for LES Scandinavia, a regional society of LESI (Licensing Executives Society International). LES is a non-profit association of licensing professionals within the area of technology transfer and licensing of intellectual property rights. As President Per Ericsson will lead LES Scandinavia´s business for a period of... Read more »
27 May 2016
IAM Patent 1000 – The World’s Leading Patent Professionals 2016
A pristine track record in patent litigation ensures that this celebrated commercial ensemble remains a prime pick for rights holders embroiled in high-stakes disputes. Legal500 Advokatbyrån Gulliksson’s five-partner team impresses with its ‘very short response times’ and ‘good value for money’.
29 March 2016
International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics
Magnus Friberg has been invited to speak and together with Mr. Seppo Salminen PhD, co-chair one of the sessions at the International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics’ annual meeting in Turku, Finland, on 7-9 June 2016. The title of the session is “Regulatory developments for probiotics and prebiotics in European Union – does it... Read more »
24 March 2016
Advokatbyrån Gulliksson is ranked in Chambers Global 2016
“Advokatbyrån Gulliksson is ranked in Chambers Global 2016. Chambers guides are the culmination of thousands of in-depth interviews by the largest research team of its kind and are trusted globally to objectively rank the world’s best lawyers and law firms. Mattias Malmstedt, Jens Olsson and Jonas Gulliksson are also highlighted and selected as key individuals.”
23 March 2016
Magnus Friberg has been invited to speak at the ERA
Magnus Friberg has been invited to speak at the ERA – The Academy of European Law, Annual Conference on EU Law in the Food Sector 2016 in Parma, Italy 19-20 May. Magnus will speak to recent developments in EU food law and policies. For more information please visit https://www.era.int/cgi-bin/cms?_SID=14b17f5aaf9328251bd37b358a33014f2cd34bcc00468274260732&_sprache=en&_bereich=artikel&_aktion=detail&idartikel=125688
17 March 2016
Seize the opportunity to boost your EU trademark!
Do you have trademarks in the EU with an application date prior to June 22th 2012? In connection with the new EU trademark regulation all those who have applied for a trademark prior to June 22th 2012 have the opportunity to specify their classifications, so they cover the goods and services which their trademark is... Read more »