Tore Ström, European Patent Attorney, LL M, one of the founders of the patent & law firm Ström & Gulliksson, has tragically passed away on October 15, 2012.
Mr Ström was born on December 17, 1926 and graduated from Malmö Technical Gymnasium and started his career as a radio engineer at the radio station of the Swedish Broadcasting Corporation in the south of Sweden.
The patent firm A.W. Andersson in Malmö sought patent attorneys and Tore Ström got the job. He proved to be exceptionally suitable for the profession and was trained by a then legendary patent attorney Nilsson, who became sort of an idol for him, and whose teachings were brought forward by Tore to his successors.
To be successful as a patent attorney does not only require technical skills but also linguistic and general knowledge. Mr Ström was richly endowed with these qualities.
He became a legendary patent attorney and was highly appreciated by colleagues and clients.
Tore Ström was employed at A.W. Andersson, now AWAPATENT, for 17 years (one patent-term according to the old Patent’s Act, according to Tore’s own statement) and he was recruited as head of the patent department of Lars Holmqvist Patenbyrå.
He studied law at the Faculty of Law of Lund University in parallel with his employment and graduated as LL M, which was of course a valuable complement to his technical skills in the practice of intellectual property law.
Mr Ström started his own firm, Tore V. Ström Patent Attorney in 1974 and in 1975, Jonas Gulliksson joined the firm as partner and the name was changed to Ström & Gulliksson AB. The basic aim was to create an IP firm combining technology and law.
The company expanded rapidly and between 1997 and 2001, Ström & Gulliksson became the only IP firm in Sweden which was also an Advokatbyrå (having members of the Swedish Bar Association as partners and employees).
The business thereafter continued as two different legal entities, Ström & Gulliksson and Gulliksson Advocates, but they continued to co-operate, sharing offices as before.
Tore Ström continued to work at Ström & Gulliksson until he was 80 years old. His achievements as patent attorney, founder and mentor have been a great source of inspiration for the partners and employees in both companies.
Tore was a great personality, loved by everyone.
The loss of him is deeply felt and we all keep pleasant memories of him.