Per Svärd (tidigare Eriksson)

Equity Partner, Advokat


046 19 05 20

070 347 70 60

Per företräder både svenska och internationella klienter. Hans arbete är huvudsakligen inriktat på immaterialrättsliga frågor, marknadsrätt, life sciences, offentlig upphandling och fastighet/entreprenad. Per arbetar också med och har stor erfarenhet av att bedriva kommersiella tvister i domstol och skiljenämnd. Han är även erfaren rådgivare avseende rättighetsstrategier, IPR Due Diligence samt licensieringsfrågor. Han sitter med i styrelsen för LES Scandinavia. Per företräder även klienter inom allmän affärsjuridik och är nu även auktoriserat UPC-ombud.

Branschspecifik erfarenhet


Partner, Advokatbyrån Gulliksson


Biträdande jurist, Advokatbyrån Gulliksson


Biträdande jurist, Advokatbyrån Ström & Gulliksson


Biträdande jurist, Wallin Magnusson Law Firm


Biträdande jurist, Advokatbyrån Styrbjörn Gärde


Tingsnotarie, Örnsköldsviks tingsrätt


Jur. kand., Lunds universitet

  • Sveriges Advokatsamfund
  • LESI
  • LES US Canada
  • LES Scandinavia
  • SFIR

The Legal 500


Key Lawyer

"Per Svärd is outstanding. He tries to give an answer which is as clear as possible. He is very proactive."


Key Lawyer

"Per Svärd. Must be the best in Sweden. He has been right (and won every case) every time – 100%. Besides, very nice to deal with. Understands the reality of his clients’ businesses."


"Can think of no one with a better reputation in Sweden. Always positive, always accessible, best of reputation. Knows just about everything there is to know, yet super humble and would always pull in a colleague if he thinks they know a subject better or have relevant experience. In addition a real nice person to be with. Not the reserved cliché of a lawyer."

WTR 1000


Recommended Individual

""A fierce and passionate advocate in and out of the courtroom”, Svärd brings a wealth of experience in cross-border disputes and complex transactional mandates. He is often sought after by those in the pharmaceutical, life sciences and IT sectors."


Recommended Individual

"“Advokatbyrån Gulliksson is home to a proactive team adept in devising strategies for long-term protection” ... Big-ticket litigation and cross-border disputes are Per Svärd’s field of expertise. His in-depth knowledge is often called upon by those in the pharmaceutical, life sciences and IT space. "


"... can cut a clear path through the thorniest of disputes and has been representing ATG, Sweden’s largest horse betting company, in several proceedings."



"A perfect legal partner, Per Ericsson has a profound understanding of the law and always proposes different solutions as well as their potential consequences. He is clear in his advice and has a great understanding of the business world."